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Monday, September 6, 2010
12:44 PM

The vintage road of Auburn Street smelled of burnt flowers and cookies.Mrs. Bolton opened the door for Kira and Kira shuffled out.
 “I haven’t seen you in awhile.Where have you been?” asked Mrs. Bolton,breaking the silence which had come over them.
“Yeah,well,I’ve been around.Places.” Kira shrugged.
Mrs. Bolton smiled and looked at Kira.
“You look just like her,” smiled Mrs. Bolton.
“Huh?” Kira asked,her concentration on a squirrel running over a fence interrupted.     
 “Your mother,silly.The green eyes,the blonde hair,why even the way you..” said Mrs. Bolton said  excitedly.
Kira closed her eyes.She wanted to shut out what Mrs. Bolton was saying.She had gone through all the mourning,she wanted to let go of the past.She wanted to forget what she knew she couldn’t.Mrs. Bolton noticed Kira and broke into a soft smile.
“Sorry,dear.It’s just that your mother was so…”Mrs. Bolton’s voice trailed off. “I miss her,that’s all,” she continued,with a final note in her voice.Fresh sobs startled her.Kira leaned on Mrs. Bolton’s shoulder and cried.
“Me too,” Kira managed to say,between sobs.Mrs. Bolton patted her back and hugged her.
When the sun was beginning to set,they both walked back to the flower-shop.Kira had stopped crying by that time,but her face was wet and red.
“Well,” said Mrs. Bolton,hands on hips. “You start tomorrow.At 8,” Mrs. Bolton leaned over to give Kira a kiss on the cheek.
“Alright,see you,” Mrs. Bolton said.Kira waved back and walked back home.

-Hanis Syahira


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" You write so beautifully, the inside of your mind must be a terrifying place "
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