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Sunday, January 9, 2011
1:04 AM

Five human years after, Terrance was looking over a fence avoiding him to fall into the river below him. He was wearing a hoodie sweater and jeans. The wind blew his hair across his face. Suddenly, a girl came up to him and pecked him on the cheek. “Hey Terrance.”

Terrance glanced over. The girl was a typical girl next door, but Terrance saw great beauty in her. Her brunette hair was blown across her face too. She was wearing a t-shirt with a cardigan over with jeans and boots.  She looked at the river too. The sun was just about to set. “Hi there.”

They both looked back at the red sky. They were at a park in the neighbourhood where Terrance used to live with the boys. But he lived in an apartment now, going to a local college, along with the girl beside him right now. “You know Joy, you don’t have to call me Terrance. It sounds like a mouthful.”

“Well, what should I call you?” Joy asked. Her height was just over Terrance’s broad shoulders. She was so lucky to find such a nice, cute guy as a boyfriend.

“Actually, I can’t answer that question,” Terrance said, laughing.

“Well, Terrance it is.” Joy smiled.

Suddenly, something touched Terrance’s shoulder. He looked over and saw a familiar face. “Big brother!”

“Hey there, kiddo,” Joseph said, smiling brightly. “It’s been such a long time.”

“Big brother! I missed you so much!” Terrance hugged the angel. Joseph hugged back. Beside him stood Theresa, now his wife. She smiled. Then she saw Joy. She looked a bit confused.

“So when did you guys arrive?” Terrance asked.

“Just a while ago. Didn’t take much time to find you, since the harbor’s close by here,” Joseph explained.

“How did you guys come by?”

“We flew, of course,” Theresa told.

“Isn’t that tiring?”

“Well we took our time,” Theresa said, looking at Joseph admiringly. It was so obvious they were in love.

“Plus, Cloud Three has really awesome cloud candy,” Joseph exclaimed. They all laughed. All but Joy.

“Oh guys, this is Joy,” Terrance introduced. “I met her in college.” Joy looked confused. They couldn’t understand anything they were talking about.

“Hey there, Joy,” Joseph greeted. “I’m Joseph. I worked with Terrance some time ago. And this is my beautiful angel, Theresa.”

“Hello,” Theresa greeted. Joy smiled back. The way Joseph called her his beautiful angel, it sounded so sincere. Like he really thought she was beautiful, and an angel too. She’s always wanted a guy to call her that. She glanced up at Terrance. He was still catching up with Joseph. He saw Joy looking at him, so he winked at her. She blushed and looked away.

“Oh right, tonight we’re going to big brother Martin’s house for dinner. No wonder you stopped by,” Terrance remembered.

“Are you kidding? I always visit Clef,” Joseph said, winking. Obviously he wouldn’t forget about his best friend.

“So you’re going now?” Terrance asked, seeing the sun has finally set. The view was beautiful for this reunion. “It’s almost night time.”

“Was just on the way. Come on, let’s walk there together,” Joseph said.  Joy still hadn’t understood this situation, but she has a feeling she wasn’t going to find out any time soon. But she’s not going to force it out of Terrance. He’ll tell when he’s ready.

So they walked together over to Martin’s house. When they arrived, it was around 8:30 at night. They rang the bell on Martin’s doorstep, and soon Martin appeared at the door way, his hair neatly trimmed. “Hey guys! Come on in!”

He lead the two couples into the dining room, where Clef and his date, a sweet Asian girl with dimples, and Oliver, there solo, was seated at the dining table. Martin’s girlfriend was there too.

“You guys are late!” Clef exclaimed. He cooked for the night, so obviously he was furious.

“Haha, sorry big brother,” Terrance said.

“Welcome, welcome,” Oliver greeted, as he was chewing on peanuts as an appetizer.

The table in the dining room was long, so everyone had a seat. Martin was living in the house they used to live in back when they were all angels. Joseph was still an angel, but he retired and worked in a gift shop. Apparently gift shops in Cloud Seven made good money, since it is the Seventh Cloud.

“Here solo, Oliver?” Joseph asked, smirking teasingly.

“Yeah, what can I do? Too many girls to choose from.”

“Or rather, none at all?” Clef teased. They all laughed.

“Well maybe I’m just not ready to bring the special one here yet,” Oliver told. Everyone oo-ed, laughing.

“Well since everyone’s seated, let’s have dinner,” Martin announced to the chattering crowd. They were so excited to have this big reunion.

“Wait, can I make an announcement?” Joseph asked. Martin smiled. Joseph was always making announcements at the table.

“Sure, big brother.”

“Well, after a few years since our job together… I’ve chosen a different way of life then all of you. I chose to settle down in the Main Land with Theresa.” Joseph held Theresa’s hand. “But ever since my mother had passed away a few weeks back, I realized there’s no longer reason to stay in the Main Land. So, I’ve taken the promotion.”

The boys were surprised. Their smiles reached their ears. Although their dates didn’t understand much, but they knew how much this meant to the boys. “When are you moving here?” Terrance asked.

“Soon,” Joseph smiled.

“Well, we’ve got to have wine to celebrate, right?” Martin said as he pulled out a bottle from a drawer.

“Well okay, since we’re flying back anyway,” Joseph told. The dates looked at him weirdly.

“What do you mean… flying back?” Clef’s date, Angie asked.

“He meant we’re taking a taxi. We haven’t gotten a car yet, and we’re used to using the term ‘flying’. Haha, sorry for the confusion,” Theresa lied. Everyone let it go, since it sort of made sense. The angels were relieved they didn’t have to tell about the secret.

“Hey why don’t you sleep over,” Martin invited. “I’m living alone anyway, and I have two spare rooms.”
“Oh sure, why not,” Theresa said. “Thank you.”

“So Terrance, who’s your friend?” Clef asked, raising an eyebrow at Joy. Angie nudged Clef in the arm and he just laughed.

“Erm, everyone, this is Joy. I met her at college,” Terrance introduced. He looked at her and she looked back with anticipation. “And… she’s my girlfriend.”

Everyone smiled. The two smiled at each other.

“Martin, why don’t you introduce me?” Martin’s girlfriend pushed him.

“Oh right. Everyone, this is my girlfriend.” Then he got back to his plate. Everyone laughed but the girl nudged him in the stomach. “Okay okay, her name’s Kylie.”

The house was cheerful that night, as the Black Angels reunited. What happened after that, no one knew. They lived a normal, healthy human life. And who knows, maybe they live just across the neighbourhood.

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" You write so beautifully, the inside of your mind must be a terrifying place "
"good night ver.2" by YUEKAIRE