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Wednesday, November 7, 2012
11:40 PM

It was a fine, gloomy day in Rotten Land when Rodie decided to go shopping. As an average zombie, she could not afford a car so wth her red blood lipstick splashed across her disfigured lips, she dragged her half-rotten legs out of the house. It was a nice day to limp to the mall anyway, she thought.

After about two hours of limping, she finally arrived at Ribcage Mall. The cold breeze slapped Rodie’s face, but she could not feel it as most of her skin had gone bad anyway. The air-conditioning was kept at zero degree Celsius, as it would slowdown the process of rotting and fellow zombies would feel much more comfortable shopping in that state. Rodie found herself a trolley and entered the market. She reached into her handbag – a bit haggard with a torn ribbon and dirt on most of its fading red surface, but it was in style – for the shopping list she wrote a few hours ago. Most of it were kitchen items –bird eyes, cat liver and some oak tree roots. Rodie was a typical female zombie though, and she could not resist the temptation to look through the latest body sets.

Limping, she pushed her trolley towards the body sets aisle. There was a discount for leg sets, but she did not need a whole new leg, just her foot. She browsed through the foots available, looking for one that did not have such rotten nails. She finally found one about the same size as her other foot, which she just bought a few weeks ago. Some zombies think it is a trend to wear mismatched feet, but Rodie wanted to keep a reminder of how her human self was like. Small things like foot size and her hair colour – it was a shiny blonde when she was human, but she is satisfied with the dirty blonde that she has now. It is still blonde, after all – are sentimental things for Rodie.

Rodie passed by a cart of eyeballs and admired the colourful irises that were available. She thought of her yellow irises, but reminded herself that she just bought those along with her other foot. The eyesight is still good, too. So she moved on to the wet market. As expected, a lot of noise can be heard from far. Callings of promotions, from half-priced full human legs to ten dollars for a whole dog. The floor was hardly sanitized, murky red puddles surrounding the counters of fresh meat. Rodie tried to be careful to not blot her feet too much – blood tends to stick to rotten flesh. She bought whatever she needed. Cat liver, bird eyes, oak tree roots… Hmm, what else? Rodie thought to herself.

Just then, the smell of fresh human brain lingered through her bony nostrils. She glanced to one side and saw the sign ‘Human Brains – only $15 per 500g!!!’ Rodie walked towards the counter and browsed through the brains. Human brains were expensive because they are hard to find and considered as luxury food to the zombies. Rodie felt like licking her lips, but unfortunately half her tongue had already been chewed half by maggots. She chose a subtly fresh brain, thinking ‘Once in awhile having leisure food should not be a problem’. The butcher chopped the brain into cube pieces and handed it over to Rodie. A whole brain.

At the cashier, Rodie felt like she wanted to have a little snack. So her eyes passed through the small treats by the counter while the cashier swiped every price tag with her machine, making a beep sound with every item. Rodie’s eyes caught on to a small packet with a colourful packaging. It printed ‘Human Tongue Candy’.

“Is that all, miss?” the cashier asked Rodie.

Rodie’s thin fingers reached for the packet, a bit of her red lipstick stuck under her long, dirty nails and placed it on the counter.

“Yup, that is all.”

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" You write so beautifully, the inside of your mind must be a terrifying place "
"good night ver.2" by YUEKAIRE